Lulu here :)
As you beauties all know, this blog is by Lulu && Ari even though Lulu does pretty much all of the posts! Ari && I have been best friends/sisters since our freshman year of high school. She has always been there for me when I've needed her && I coulnd't ask for a better friend!
For her birthday, I had gotten her concert tickets to Armenchik's concert (Armenian singer). && I also made her a little scrapbook from our past memories together! So I decided to share it with you beaties!
Let's Get Started!
Welcome to a sneek peek of our personal lives!
Love you Ari! :)
Thanks for reading beauties!....or browsing through the pictures lol! Maybe this can be a gift idea for the future!
Stay GLAM!
Lulu && Ari♥
Love the book! I have a twin and we as close as two people can get! Keep up the blog, its really cute!