Friday, December 16, 2011

Lady Gaga!♥

Heey Beauties!
Lulu here :)

So I was going through some of Lady Gaga's crazy outfits && I remembered she had an outfit I REALLY LOVED! She wore it on an interview she had && I just sat there thinking "wow that's a really adorable outfit"
We all know she can pull off MANY outfits that make her look beyond gorgeous, like this picture below:
to looking like a man in this picture below!

I admire her because she is her own person && she's not afraid of that! She's just being herself && she doesn't really care about what people say about her. That is Beauty to me. She is beatuiful && even though she still feels like "the loser in high school", I give her so much credit for standing up for what she believes in.

This is the cute outfit! It's made of post-its! Even her headband that doesnt show :( Super cute!

Stay GLAM!
Lulu && Ari♥

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